Fraud is by far the easiest, most widespread, and (figuratively speaking) deadliest attack in Japan these days. With a very trusting culture it is not hard to imagine that people have realized that they can abuse that trust and pretty much trick about anyone into believing something that will make them hand over some money...
The types of fraud here have an extensive range of variety that is too big of a topic for me to consider right now...
I just wanted to show a picture that I found of one person who got arrested for fraud.
I have seen many on the news and many are young guys like this guy.. but that is not to say that only young males are involved with these activities...
(I think I just liked this picture and wanted to make an excuse to post it...)

(It says in the top right "DJ committed a "bank transfer scam". "I didn't have enough money to live on...") (bottom says "He called a 32 year old man in Wakayama prefecture and tricked him into transferring money by telling him that he had overdue payments on a adult site membership")
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